Category: Special Guest Guide Blog

Surrender by Shelley Young

One of the most important, and most misunderstood essential elements of enlightenment is surrender.  Surrender is truly the key to empowered forward movement into your highest life expression with the most support possible, yet so many resist it, fear it, perceive it as being powerless, and avoid it at all costs.  I’ve created this Surrender Series of meditations to help people experience the relief, comfort, and forward movement surrender can create in a profound way for themselves and start to embrace it as the wonderful, co-creative element and higher vibrational navigation system it truly is. Shelley   Shelley Young, Special Guest for August 2018 Our Special Guest of the Month shares their unique perspective and gives us insight into the inspiration behind the month’s 10 Minute Meditation member bonus. To experience this meditation for yourself, try One Mind Live by going HERE Save

The Healer’s Mantra by Jerry Wills

The Healers mantra has been used for over a decade to help people find the divine within themselves, and within others. Every sentence from the Healers mantra is a positive affirmation and should be throughly realized, internalized, and experienced in your heart. As you progress through the entirety of the Healers Mantra you fully internalize the message here. It is a message speaking directly to the soul. The greatest benefit is further realized when you look at others. Once you have the Healers Mantra embedded into your soul you clearly see the presence of God within every person, plant, or animal you encounter. Breathe this in… The divine lives within you and you have become empowered to walk through life with a new, beautiful presence radiating out from you. This is how it feels when you know, not just believe, God is present. Jerry   Jerry Wills, Special Guest for July 2018 Our Special Guest of the Month shares their unique perspective and gives us insight into the inspiration behind the month’s 10 Minute Meditation member bonus. To experience this meditation for yourself, try One Mind Live by going HERE Save

Awakened Heart by Donna Hall

Introduction to the 10 minute Meditation for June Many of us walk around protecting ourselves from the world because we have experienced hurt, pain, fear, criticism, and negativity. We lock our hearts up and throw away the key, closing ourselves off from the world to feel safe. What happens is while we might feel a sense of safety, we cut ourselves off from pure life force energy, our truest divine potential, and our HAPPINESS. Then we hide behind our busy lives, feeling misunderstood, overwhelmed, and unsupported as one day leads into the next, and the next, while hoping for ease. Ultimately, we move further away from the essence and true power of the heart to love, nurture, and support us. This short meditation allows you to awaken to your heart, and its potential to heal, create ease, and open you up to what you are really here to be, do, and have by releasing tension, stress, and fear and focusing on the power within that you can access at any time through the breath. This meditation connects you to what is important to you now by acknowledging your own unique heartbeat that is a wonderful resource you can access wheneverAwakened Heart by Donna Hall

Mining the Akash by Jenny Johnston

Have you wondered why you’ve worked on fears, phobias and negative beliefs but they still seem to be sabotaging your life? What if they’re not just present now or in your childhood, but are actually occurring at a Soul Level? What about your passions and gifts? Where did they come from? Did you come in to this life with them? Are there more you can go and claim? If you believe that you’ve lived before (and more than 80% of humanity does), doesn’t it make sense to look at what you have learned throughout all of your lives? With Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash (all of your lives), you get to learn how to do just that. What exactly is Mining the Akash? Your ‘Akash’ is all of the lifetimes that you have ever lived and they are stored (partly) in the multi-dimensional layers of your DNA or what scientists used to call ‘junk DNA’. So you are actually walking around with your DNA containing information from all of your lifetimes in your current lifetime and you are able to access information from here. Many people work in past lives and the Akash or Akashic records, to release traumaMining the Akash by Jenny Johnston