Healing The Masculine And Feminine – Pre-Session

This episode was originally broadcast Apr 8, 2016

Are you in touch with your feminine side? What about your masculine side? Naomi C did a retreat which focused her on this issue in her own life and relationships and brings it to the table in today’s pre-session chat. We explore some of the labels and expectations that come with the energies of “masculine” and “feminine” and Naomi J saw a startling study about men’s stated versus observed preferences in terms of intelligence in a female partner and Stephen reconnected with an ancient Chinese goddess…

About our Pre-Sessions: Every week, for 15 minutes or so before we began our group meditation broadcast, we opened the mics so that our members tuning in for the session could listen in while we talked about what was going on for us personally and spiritually, and what trends we were noticing. It was a fun way to get everyone settled and prepared for the journey to come, as well as a way to connect with us energetically. To listen to the One Mind Live meditation that followed, go to www.onemindlive.com/the-listening-room/