When Allowing Isn’t Pretty – by Naomi Janzen

I’m sitting here waiting for Stephen to mix the recording we did of this week’s live meditation. Suddenly, an idea for a blog post has occurred – and the fact that this happened at all is the subject of this post.

I’ve been the tech-girl for One Mind Live and though Steve and Samo (my nickname for Naomi Carling and, incidentally, her nickname for me) have been urging me for over a year to start blogging, I’ve had this big juicy excuse that I am just too busy uploading goodies for our members and doing routine maintenance on our site.

So, what’s changed? About three days ago I found myself levitated up out of the state of relative inertia I’ve been bogged in for over a year. I found the Herculean effort that had been required to accomplish the daily required tasks associated with all things digital was now so much more than enough that it propelled me into new areas of my to-do list. You know that part you use a light grey font for because you want to keep track of it but you don’t want to put any pressure on yourself to actually have to accomplish it? That area. Suddenly, I was finished my normal work and carried by sheer momentum into my list of dream to-do’s. I described it to a friend as the feeling of stepping onto one of those moving sidewalks at an airport. You’re still only walking at your normal pace but you’re covering twice as much distance. Which I had to, because when this slowed down feeling hit a year ago, it was the feeling of stepping off one of those moving sidewalks. Suddenly you’re walking through glue!

Ruminating on all this it hit me that I had done a pretty good job of coping this past year. I saw how slowly I was moving, noticed all the things I wasn’t getting done – and didn’t let it get me down. I just rolled (slowly) with it all. I just observed myself. I wondered at the cause. I tapped to help align with or process out whatever I was going through. But it wasn’t some dreamy, lovely, slow-movement kind of thing. There was nothing sexy or spiritually romantic about it. A lot of time it looked like ageing. Or laziness. Or sub-optimal health.

Still, I just traveled through it. Allowing it to be this Aries girl’s new reality. Never losing my observer perspective.

And I like that I did that. We often throw the word “allowing” around. We talk about how important it is to allow what is. To surrender. But we’re unconsciously imagining an ideal allowing-state that’s zen-like in a color-brochure for a retreat in Thailand kind of way. Not, dirty hair and pajamas at the computer, eating almonds while you work because you can’t be bothered even making a salad. Not watching TV instead of reading that inspirational book on your bedside table. Not going back to bed at 10am because you feel tired for no reason.

Sometimes allowing isn’t pretty. It doesn’t translate well to Instagram. It may not even yield big spiritual insights. But I think that’s when it’s more important than ever. If you can get though a period like that, allowing yourself to experience it without getting scared or depressed about it or judgemental about yourself…maybe you’re a little bit closer to allowing the good, the bad and the ugly in others.

Naomi Janzen is a certified Expert EFT Universe Practitioner and Trainer, creator of the Remindfulness App and author.  Together with Stephen Fearnley’s music and Naomi Carling’s guidance, she leads the transformative tapping sessions for One Mind Live. To try One Mind Live go HERE






